
收录时间:2020-09-24 13:08:00 点击量:611

高人杰(Jean-Michel Gao)1994年生于内蒙古包头市纽约哈德逊艺术家协会会员中国新野性成员现居北京宋庄展览2020/语境中的艺术国际艺术家邀请展2019年/新加坡艺术全球-新加坡2018/红门画廊“35X35艺术项目”-希腊2018/中国艺博会-北京2018/小微作品展上上国际美术馆-北京2017/当代艺术联盟大展上上国际美术馆-北京2017/青春-激情高人杰油画个展上上国际美术馆-北京2016/天津大象艺术馆名家三人展-天津2016/山东崔扬美术馆大家三人展-山东2016/上上国际美术馆建馆十周年大展-北京2016/艺术广东-广东评论反智性、游戏性,狂欢与噫语,即兴式的涂鸦,正是高人杰的绘画特质。这一特质,在当下中国画坛偶见吉光片羽,却鲜有天才式的集中。高人杰的出现,填补了这一空白。高人杰的画有着与他年龄不相称的老练与成熟。而我觉得,高人杰最可贵之处在于,他在老练成熟之外还有属于他这年龄的激情与稚嫩。高人杰已形成了独属于自己的绘画语言,且这语言放在当下中国画坛是那样罕见,甚至可以说绝无仅有。看似反智的涂鸦,却又分明经得起最严谨的推敲。高人杰的画里表现出的是复杂的、多义的、纠缠的,对世界模糊不清甚至有些迷茫的认知。而这复杂、多义、纠缠、不清晰,与年轻人的冲动激情相综合,直接表达的是高人杰这一代中国孩子对当下世界的直觉。——王十月高人杰的画,大气磅礴,用笔狂放,很飙。高人杰的艺术追求,不经意间跨过了两道中国艺术家的美学观念鸿沟,一个是中国绘画艺术到底油画是主流还是水墨是主流?另一个就是到底写实是主流还是表现是主流?这两个问题曾经困惑中国艺术家几十年,但在高人杰这里早就不是问题了。年轻艺术家如高人杰们的艺术有无价值?价值当然有,那就是中国美术史的地标价值,他们的横空出世客观上肯定了前辈艺术家所追求的野性艺术、新野性艺术、飙派艺术等事关起哄美学与传统美学你死我活的艺术战争谁将胜利的最后对决。——曹喜蛙Some of his works kill me and others do me absolutely no effect. But once you are touched, you can either be devoured by a kindof inner tranquility, or find yourself bent over in two with a huge and painful giggle.Because whatever the honesty, history or experience that flow through paintings, his sense of humor is murderous. Even in hismost poignant work, his diabolical sense of the absurd erupts, without any filter. Just as his sincere disappointments concerninghumanity, or the hopes he inspires.When one observes one's work, it is hard not to notice the almost perverse care given to the slightest gross detail, a preciselydistracted sensation of concentration. As raw as the image, as fast as the execution seems, the least stroke, line, erasure, drop,footprint, finger, word, letter, tear and imperfection are there only because it allowed them to be there. Whenever I look at his paintings, they come to life before my eyes.——Bruno·Legrand

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