
收录时间:2019-08-20 11:32:00 点击量:831
玲 子 (王 玲) LING ZI (Ling-Wang) 笔 名: 梦 云 Pen-Name: Dream Cloud 旅美画家 Live in United States. 湖 北 人 Born in Hubei, China. 自学美术 Self-learned arts现为广东省美术家协会会员珠海市美术家协会理事 澳门行隐画艺学会理事 美国中国书法家协会理事美国华人艺术协会会员山东曹州青年书画院名誉院长其名载入《中国艺术家名人录》, 《中国艺术家世界名人录》80年代初至2002年任职于中国广东省珠海市青少宫书画教师;2003年移居美国为自由艺术家。Member of the Artists Association of Guangdong province, ChinaCouncil of Zhuhai Artists AssociationCouncil of the Macao Museum of Arts associationCouncil of the American Chinese Calligraphers AssociationMember of the American Chinese Art AssociationHonorary President of Youth artist institute of ChaoZhou, ShandongNamed to load "The Chinese artist's famous person", "The world Chinese artist's famous person"80's to 2002, Worked for ZHuhai, Guangdong province of ChinaArt teacher of Youth Cultural Institute, 2003, come to United Siates
作品多次获奖, 其中包括国家级一等奖:1989年 8月 作品《竹仙洞前溪水长》获国际友好书画展银奖1998年 8月 论文《根据认识规律 搞好美术教学》获全国首届美术教学研讨论文一等奖1999年 4月 作品《大漠驼影》获建国50年艺术研讨会一等奖2002年 3月 作品《硕果》获国际华人书画展一等奖2005年 2月 获年度美国纽约优秀艺术家杰出成就奖主要出版物有:1998年10月《王玲画集》 珠海出版社 ISBN 7-80607-465-I/J-662016年 6 月《玲子画集》 (当代中国艺术经典) 天津人民美术出版社 ISBN 978-7-5305-7252-8曾多次在国内外举办个人画展:1987年 1月 中国珠海办个人画展1988年 4月 澳门办个人画展1991年 6月 作品《新枝》入选中国当代书画名家墨宝大展1993年 9月 澳门办三人联展1993年10月 赴加拿大讲学与交流1996年 5月 作品《甘苦沧桑六百年》入选中国珠海画家精品展1997年 6月 作品《明月花更新》《硕果累累》入选新西兰首届中国书画展1998年12月 中国珠海办个人画展1999年12月 参与中国珠海美协《女画家》四人画展2000年 7月 澳门办个人画展和参与七人联展2001年 6月 赴美国洛杉矶艺术交流 随后在加拿大温哥华办个人画展2002年 7月 美国纽约第一银行画廊办个人画展2004年 1月 美国纽约协和画廊办个人画展2006年12月 中国南京江苏美术馆举办个人画展2007年 4月 美国纽约皇后文化广场举办《观世音之传说》画展2007年10月 澳门办个人展2016年 7月 中国珠海古元美术馆举办个人画展Art Activities, achievements and honors of Ling ZiAward-winning works, including the national first prize:August 1989, work: "Stream of Bamboo cave" won Silver award by International Friendship Painting Exhibition.August 1998, paper "According understanding of the law to improve the Art education" won first prize in the first National art teaching seminar papers.April 1999, work "Desert camel Shadow" won first prize in the 50th annual Art Workshop.March 2002, work "Achievement" won first prize in the International Exhibition of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy.February 2005 Won for the annual of New York outstanding artists Outstanding Achievement Award.Major publications include:October 1998, The "Wang Ling Painting" Zhuhai Publishing House ISBN 7-80607-465-I/J-66.June 2016, The "Ling Zi Paintings" (The Contemporary Chinese Art Classic) Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House ISBN 978-7-5305-7252-8.She has held many solo exhibitions at homeland and abroad:January 1987, Solo exhibition in Zhuhai, China.April 1988, Solo exhibition in Macau.June 1991, Work: "New Branches" selected by Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Famous Artist exhibition.September 1993, Macau Three exhibition.October 1993, Canada Lectures and exchanges.May 1996, Work "Joys vicissitudes six hundred" selected by Boutique Exhibition in Zhuhai, China Painters.June 1997 works "Beautiful Moon flower" "Achievement Countless" selected by New Zealand the First Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.December 1998, Solo exhibition in Zhuhai, China.December 1999, to participate in The Four Exhibition of "Female artist" by Artists Association Zhuhai, China.June 2001, The Artistic exchanges of Los Angeles, USA and Solo exhibition in Vancouver, Canada.July 2002, Solo exhibition in the gallery of First Bank of New York.January 2004, Solo exhibition at Concord gallery of New York.December 2006, Solo exhibition at Jiangsu Art Gallery, Nanjing, ChinaApril 2007, Solo exhibition of "Legend of Guanyin" at Queens Cultural Square, New York.October 2007, Solo exhibition, Macau.July 2016, Solo exhibition at Guyuan Art Museum, Zhuhai, China水彩



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