李钢 | 遗忘 — 武汉驻地艺术项目

发布时间:2024-07-17 14:09:01 来源:艺术中国












《地心说》  李钢  2024年 蜗牛壳  独版 Geocentric Theory 2024  Snail Shells  Exclusive Edition



The work is named after the "geocentric theory", a famous epistemology in the Middle Ages, which influenced and dominated the world for thousands of years, but was later proven wrong. Epistemology will directly affect people's worldview, form a mindset and influence value orientation, eventually become a kind of cognitive inertia.

The artist wandered along the Yangtze River in Wuhan and found that the spiral pattern of the snail shells on the riverside was counterclockwise rotation. With some field investigation, he eventually verified the observation. However, the artist, holding a firm belief in exceptions, decided to look for local snails with the opposite spiral pattern rotation, The act of looking for reverse snails is that a questioning and provokes the previous cognitive inertia. So when the snail shell with the opposite spiral pattern rotation really appears,at that time,the cognitive inertia is also loosening.

《均码》 李钢 2024年  墙体铲凿工艺 三版二AP 尺寸可变 Equal Size 2024 Wall Chiseling Technique  3 Edition/2 AP  Size Variable



In the exhibition hall, the artist chiseled off the plaster on one wall to leave the words "We forget what we want to remember"and carved out the words "We remember what we want to forget" on another. Here, the "remembering" and "forgetting" become accidental and uncontrollable, suggesting that the more we want to achieve, the more backfire we may often get.

The work "Equal Size", that builds on textual concept to directly speaks of the accidental of "forgetting" in human life and emotions. Its uncontrollability may seem like either a gift from heaven or a disaster. Within time, "forgetting" has become the only salvation of emotions.

 《日抛》 李钢  2024年 声音装置 塑料袋 六版二AP 尺寸可变 Daily Disposables 2024  Sound Installation  6 Edition/2 AP  Size Variable



Today is both the tomorrow of yesterday and the yesterday of tomorrow.

The artist recorded the sound of yesterday and has it played today, and the sound played today is also recorded and will be played tomorrow. Through such a pattern, the sound of today will be covering the sound of yesterday in an inclusive way and continuously overlapping. With the concept of "day", the work reminds the audience that the current era of modern trends is also changing and iterating by the unit of day.

《新道德》 李钢  2024年 装置  猪油 、A4纸  6版二AP 尺寸可变 New Morals2024  Installation  Lard, A4 Paper  6 Ed ition/2 AP  Size Variable


The paper, having been soaked by lard, becomes transparent to reveal the words on the next layer that were originally invisible: "Don't let food stain your blood." The sentence sounds like a belief or a warning, and the nobility of such words is defined by how a sentence is structured, such as: "Don't let money stain your eyes", "Don't let power stain your soul", "Don't let desire stain your body", etc. Such a proverb-like sentence structure usually hides a certain kind of incitement, and the widespread acceptance of the "proverb-style" language reflects that contemporary people long for some kind of discipline and guidance.



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